Frist Yippppeeee.....error 28 is no more! Take a peek at my site and it looks great! We hope to still get the drop down menu implemented but it is a far cry better than it was! Funny how you don't know how "bad" something is until you improve it. Who knew that removing purple moving petals and adding green "wallpaper" would make such a difference?
Another yipppeeee....I attended the annual bead show over the weekend and purchased some fantastic 8mm pearls, agate, crystal and more. I am looking forward to going to another in Cinncinnati at the end of October. I just love gem and bead shows! You get the best of the best at the best prices! Who could resist handling pearls vs shopping on the internet? Which I do that too.
Third yippppeee....we hit the drag strip to watch qualifying runs after the bead show. Yeah, I know. Seems out of place doesn't it? But its really not~my dad raced cars and I practically grew up in the pits. We didn't stay long since the little one had to nap but just hearing the thunderous roar was fantastic. It's so loud that it makes your chest vibrate! It reminds you that your alive!
Last yippeeee for today~it took 2 days but my son finally took a nap longer than an hour. Whew! he was starting to tire me out. It's hard work chasing after a little one.
Signing off for now,