Monday, August 24, 2009


Frist Yippppeeee.....error 28 is no more! Take a peek at my site and it looks great! We hope to still get the drop down menu implemented but it is a far cry better than it was! Funny how you don't know how "bad" something is until you improve it. Who knew that removing purple moving petals and adding green "wallpaper" would make such a difference?

Another yipppeeee....I attended the annual bead show over the weekend and purchased some fantastic 8mm pearls, agate, crystal and more. I am looking forward to going to another in Cinncinnati at the end of October. I just love gem and bead shows! You get the best of the best at the best prices! Who could resist handling pearls vs shopping on the internet? Which I do that too.

Third yippppeee....we hit the drag strip to watch qualifying runs after the bead show. Yeah, I know. Seems out of place doesn't it? But its really not~my dad raced cars and I practically grew up in the pits. We didn't stay long since the little one had to nap but just hearing the thunderous roar was fantastic. It's so loud that it makes your chest vibrate! It reminds you that your alive!

Last yippeeee for today~it took 2 days but my son finally took a nap longer than an hour. Whew! he was starting to tire me out. It's hard work chasing after a little one.

Signing off for now,


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jack of All Trades

Wowzer! Is all I have to say...I have worked side by side with a web consultant for over two weeks now to reconstruct my site. New template, new colors, texture, moving and resizing, drop down menu, footer nav and so on and so on.....

All was good until yesterday. Error 28 is haunting my site. Seems to be a temporary file or host file size problem. Not something I have done. However, out of frustration I have gone backwards and undone some of our work, hoping this would bring the site back to functional. It comes and goes. When it feels like it. Kinda like a teenager or a wandering boyfriend. Like the analogy there? I am trying to keep my sense of humor.

Amongst taking care of my little one, my teenager, my husband, my animals, the house and all it site is misbehaving badly. So very sad.....

I hope anyone checking in to browse or shop will come back again. I am hoping to have this corrected by this evening. In the meantime, my etsy and artfire shops are still going.

I like to be hands on so I can navigate, lay out, change, and so on most things on my own site without having to go to someone else for help. This really shouldn't be this difficult. Can someone out there please stomp all over error 28!?!?*?&!!

To all you independent artists out there: I hope you never have a site crash. It's a sickening feeling.
To all the supporters of independent artist: Please be patient with "us" and be sure to come back time and time again.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

New items added today!

Hey! hey! I feel like shouting it out....I am adding new items to my site today. Here is one of my favorites~a stunning and edgy design with stick pearls and garnet. Be sure to visit often as I am still working on site improvements:)