Tuesday, January 31, 2012

To Write or Create

How about write about creating? I go between designing jewelry to writing, my two loves. Throw in music, at this time I am listening to Anuna Celtic Origins. I am not sure which if I had to pick could I do without the longest for within me they intermix and encourage growth of the other.

I started designing jewelry about twelve years ago when my idea of excitement was going to the nearest craft store and buying a set of pliers. I grew in my knowledge and discovered more venues to purchase goods from. I am now on my third or fourth set of tools, having given the first set to a friends daughter.

Once you have the creative bug in your veins, it never leaves. When I don't want anyone to know the thoughts in my head jewelry creation is the perfect outlet for me. I loose myself in the colors, the textures and endless ideas abound. A few years back I sat at my desk wildly creating for nearly six hours.

The problem I have discovered is that I am quite content many times to just be left alone. Are you really ever alone when surrounded by fifteen cases of beads? The beads don't talk back to you, right? Wrong. To me, they say "I belong on a necklace, I long to be a great centerpiece" another might say "I deserve to sway from ears while the lady dances".

The beads most certainly do talk. Even before they are completed peices they tell stories. Lampwork beads from an artist bare heart and soul, wind and fire, playfulness and absolute passion. Vintage beads hold a special history and when I handle them I can imagine tea parties, ballroom dances and beach picnics.

I prefer polymer clay to sculpt with. I sit and gather the colors, mulling over the possibilites without ever knowing what I may create. I have shown peices in galleries and those are usually the ones my daughter either takes for herself or to send to her friends. I consider it the biggest of compliments. Here is a picture of my lovely daughter wearing one of my creations.

I wish I could spend my days doing nothing but writing and creating jewelry. Maybe someday I will get there. As for music, it's in my veins in a different way. I sang with school choirs, church choirs, caroling groups, the Sweet Adelines and at home or even in the grocery store.

Currently, I sing my young son to sleep just like I used to sing my daughter to bed who is now twenty years old. I have changed the songs I sing very slightly and tonight for the first time, my son sang with me.

Our song of choice for the evening "Take Me Home Country Roads". It is the most precious of all gifts to sit with my son and watch him watch me and have him mimic my mouth movements and hold my chin up while doing so. My life is truly blessed.

God Bless,