Friday, April 23, 2010

Sit Down with your Coffee, My Loved Ones

Good morning all,

I have decided that since you are my "inner circle" I wish to share some thoughts with you. Most often I would put these on my blog or a journal but I feel the need to share my thoughts today in such a way that I know you are reading them. There is that possibility this may sit in your inbox a few days or maybe you won't read it at all. That's ok. I may actually go ahead and put this on my blog.

I am a creator/writer/thinker at heart. I do often wear my heart on my sleeve at least to those closest around me. I have love and love enough to share. Friendship requires a certain amount of love and acceptance. Love doesn't have to mean the romantic kind of love although, this is on my mind quite a bit. I also believe we influence the world around us which is why I choose to be a positive force.

If you happen to be so lucky as to find love that encompasses all that you have dreamed of but thought you would never find-you must do all you can to hold onto it. That's a tricky thing. How do we hold onto something that is "intangible"? You can not hold actual love in your hands. However, if you find someone you love that has a hand to all means grab it and hold on.

Sometimes your heart is open to someone and you didn't even know it until they were fully inside and sat down with a cup of coffee. There is an ease and naturalness to this that you can not ignore. When you find this and it is a romantic type love don't forget to feed it daily. You must never let the one you love forget that you love them. Don't assume they are mind readers but instead fully speak your mind with delicate words knowing full well that they accept you and love you as well.

There is a second side to that we should discuss. Sometimes we can nurture that love and memory ourselves while absent from the one we love. We need to have faith and remember why and how we got to where we are. We need to be patient with love for being in love with a person is indeed a cherished state that requires patience and nurturing. It is truly a give and take. So, give and take equally and unselfishly.

Love must be handled with balance in mind. Delicately but firmly. We can not hold onto something that another has no intention of letting us hold on to. What we do hold onto in those cases are the memories, the lessons and the love we felt during the union. Always keep love in your heart for in doing so you will be open to life's possibilities.

Balance in life doesn't have to be so difficult but for some it can be and as "the others" in their lives we need to be aware that we are not a perfect people and accept these imbalances unless they adversely affect us. We should and the people we love should reach a balancing point with all things. It takes only minutes to let the one we know we are thinking of them but years to fix the damage of not ever letting it be known and often we never get those chances back.

This balance in life means we don't lose sight of who we are instead, we nurture ourselves and the ones around us by being fully capable of being who we are, developing who we are and growing together. Never lose yourself to another to the point that you forget who you are or forget to be who you are. Remember that the people who are in your life are in it because they love and appreciate who you are.

If you are unfortunate enough to have people in your life you can't say this about then we need to speak of toxicity. People and situations can be toxic to different degrees. The Lord gives us only what we can handle. When you have too much, it is up to you to decipher what to weed out. Toxicity can poison our hearts, minds and souls. It eats away at the very being of who we are and the quicker you rid yourself of these negative things or persons the better off you will be.

I tend to try and spread my sunshine and positive thoughts to anyone who will listen. I have no trouble getting into a good debate on the pros and cons of positive thinking, our influences on the world around us, choices, karma and relationships. I may not have ended up where I want to be but I am still happy with my life and have no regrets. Life is what it is. Life goes on. My life is blessed. Just the simple act of saying those words and letting them sink in can do wonders. Read them again and again and if you have any negative thoughts in your own head today, let these words replace them: My life is blessed.

This was long...I thank you for reading it. I used to be Abigail the wall flower who hid behind the blog, hid behind a wall, I hide no longer.

Blessings to all,
Tera Lorraine

1 comment:

  1. As I reread this I feel the need to clarify life is on a good path. I am happy with where I am going and have no regrets. What I wish is that my path to this point had been a little more direct. In the end though, still no regrets for I have learned many lessons along the way and taught a few.
